1. Nimble gnn embedding with tensor-train decomposition.
Chunxing Yin, Da Zheng, , Christos Faloutsos, George Karypis, Richard Vuduc. SIGKDD'22
2. Optimizing irregular dense operators of heterogeneous GNN models on GPU.
, Minjie Wang, Da Zheng, Qiang Fu, Ümit Çatalyürek, George Karypis. IPDPSW'23
[code in DGL]
3. Distributed-Memory k-mer Counting on GPUs.
, P Pandey, M Ellis, L Oliker, A Buluç, K Yelick. IPDPS'21
4. An efficient mixed-mode representation of sparse tensors.
, J Li, A Sukumaran-Rajam, P Rawat, S Krishnamoorthy, P Sadayappan. SC'19
5. Load-balanced sparse mttkrp on GPUs.
, J Li, A Sukumaran-Rajam, R Vuduc, P Sadayappan. IPDPS'19
6. Adaptive sparse tiling for sparse matrix multiplication.
C Hong, A Sukumaran-Rajam, , K Singh, P Sadayappan. PPoPP'19
7. Sampled dense matrix multiplication for high-performance machine learning.
I Nisa, A Sukumaran-Rajam, SE Kurt, C Hong, P Sadayappan. HiPC'18
8. Effective machine learning based format selection and performance modeling for SpMV on GPUs.
I Nisa, C Siegel, AS Rajam, A Vishnu, P Sadayappan. IPDPS workshop'18